
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Safety protection on site


January 2016 at our Architectural Practice

Les équipements de Protection Individuels (EPI)
Personal Protective Equipment for the building site

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Safety protection on site

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a building site consists of various means or devices which together can protect a person against one or more risks, that may occur simultaneously. In addition to the collective protection required by law, PPE includes a wide range of equipment: helmets, safety shoes, boots, protective glasses, high visibility jackets, gloves, earplugs, respiratory protection masks, etc.

In the UK, these protective devices, called “Personal Protective Equipment” (PPE), are increasingly similar to those required in France. When several companies are involved in a building project, they are governed by a General Coordination Plan (GCP), which specifies the measures to be put in place regarding the prevention of risks that arise as a result of their simultaneous interventions. It is everyone’s responsibility to be concerned about the safety of all on site!

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